Authentic Man Program (AMP)
It's peak in popularity was in the 2007 to 2009 era when the founders were still both active in the company, Bryan Bayer, and Decker Cunov.
They developed a very strong reputation for and arguably were the first to innovate and start steering men towards becoming more authentic as a way to attract women. They also used this approach, to get men more interested in developing themselves in other areas of their life. Today, they help men develop their lives as a whole.
- Company Data
- Trademark Advice & Dating Systems
- Company History
- Books, Courses and Coaching from Authentic Man Program (AMP)
Company DataWebsite: AuthenticManProgram.comFounded: May 11, 2004 Founder(s): Bryan Bayer • Decker Cunov
Address: |
Current Coaching TeamAlexis Shepperd • Decker Cunov • Kendra Cunov • Melissa Hall • Ray Brejcha • Shana JamesCoaching Team AlumniBryan Baye |
Trademark Advice & Dating Systems
Enabling men to become fully authentic, strong and develop their masculinity (and thus attracting the women they desire).
History of Authentic Man Program (AMP)
In 2010 AMP (Authentic Man Program) started up a side operation in collaboration with other dating, spiritual and life coaches named "Authentic World". The goal is to teach deep spiritual work that benefits relationships without making it impractical or 'foreboding' as with some spiritual practices.Books, Courses & Coaching from Authentic Man Program (AMP)
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Help us improve this profile of Authentic Man Program (AMP) by sending us any information you believe to be missing, wrong or lacking detail. Please state sources where possible to make our job easier to verify the correctness of the information.
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