Attraction Formula

Editor Review
"Extreme Technology for Picking Up Women. Great Value for Money."
Syboh Seven
Last Update: March 25, 2025
Since it is a comprehensive system it can be a good place for a beginner to start if you are new to dating advice. Everything you need is included.
Ask yourself what you want though. Do you want to meet lots of women and become a player? This system will be a good fit for you.
If not, and you are really looking for a girlfriend, you will be better off with a less 'playing the numbers' driven program (e.g. Models: Attract Women through Honesty or The Girlfriend Activation System).
In this review we'll give you an overview of the program, Paul Janka's system and the main Attraction Formula ebook you get. Once you've read this you can dive into more detailed reviews of the separate eBook, audio and video downloads. I'll come back to this further down.
Great Value for Money - A Lot of Content (eBooks, Audio, Video) for $19.95
Attraction Formula and Paul Janka have been around since 2008 and they have created many products including ebooks, video and audio courses over that period. Each of their main products were originally sold separately as standalone products for $40 or more.In 2011 this all changed, when they put most of these products into the Attraction Formula program - a membership access site where they are available for download. This means you now get a lot of content for your money now: 3 eBooks, 2 audio download courses and 30 days access to a large video seminar course (originally on 6 DVDs). It's one of the best "Value for Money" offers currently on the market - especially if your new to dating advice and it's all new to you.
A Comprehensive Day Game System for Picking Up Women in the Streets
Paul Janka's system is specifically designed to meet women during the day while you are out and about. This can be while they are walking in the streets or sitting in a cafe for example. Janka himself used it to meet women mostly directly in the street. He says this gives you the best opportunity to meet the most high quality women.There is very little to know information in this course on meeting women in night clubs, out at night or on what to do if you meet a girl at a party for example. There are other reasons he gives in the main ebook as to why bars are one of the worst places to meet women in his opinion. You learn a lot about the philosophy behind why his system is designed this way in the main Attraction Formula eBook. It's all about how to walk up to a girl in the street, get her phone number, meet her for a date later and take it from there to the bedroom.
It is a very comprehensive set of advice and information to get you from A to Z working with this system. Literally every aspect is covered and it is very detailed - Janka is detail orientated and analytical by nature.
But there isn't a lot of information offered for other scenarios. Janka's system is all about efficiency and he has cut away everything except the essentials to create an effective way at meeting women while wasting the least amount of time.
There are a lot of benefits for this comprehensive narrow focused approach for the 'beginner' or 'intermediate' to dating advice. You have a limited amount of information to study and advice to implement and it takes you all the way from meeting the girl to the end result. It's a self contained system that contains everything you need.
Dating Skills Review strongly encourages 'focus' when learning to avoid wasting time and money or getting overwhelmed with information and not getting very far (which is very common for men studying dating advice and pick up). This product fits that rule very very well. Thumbs up!
Is the System Too Industrial? or Extreme?
Paul Janka's system was designed to be effective at meeting and picking up women - nothing else. It puts romantic notions aside and focuses on the goal, playing the numbers to get the results. He aims to reduce everything down to the bare essentials. In a way his system is about "Dating Productivity".If you are already at an intermediate or advanced level and the idea of seeing more women for less investment interests you - this program will give you a lot of ideas.
However, this system may seem a bit industrial, or mechanical and not appeal to some men - especially if you are new to dating advice. It doesn't make much room for "Romantic Notions" about meeting women.
Interestingly, Janka himself realizes this, and he has a chapter in the Attraction Formula ebook discussing the deep psychological consequences of “being a player”, including feelings of loneliness and alienation. For him he describes this as “the burden of the hustle”, when “your reality becomes the consumption of women”. In the book Janka hints at quitting pick up to find a soul mate. As you can see on Paul Janka's profile this is what happened - he has settled into long term relationships with girlfriends in recent years.
This chapter "Luxury Problems: Consequences of a Player Lifestyle" is a welcome, sobering chapter and Janka deserves credit for his openness and telling you like it is. Most dating gurus pretend that the player lifestyle is perfect, which is far from the truth. The information in this chapter is valuable experienced feedback for all men setting out on this journey that will help them make better decisions for your own longer term happiness.
Janka's system is extreme and its partly to blame for some of the consequences Janka discusses. Janka has a blind spot here - the problems described do not all come from “being a player” per se (although some definitely do), but also from the extremeness of Janka’s system itself. Moving on to new conquests almost immediately after getting each new girl, going for quantity over quality, limiting your interactions to a very narrow set of steps, over the long run this stuff is not necessarily psychologically healthy. Janka’s own rigid rules are setting him up for trouble, but it doesn't come across in his teachings that he has realized that yet.
Keeping this in mind there is a lot of great advice in this system and the Attraction Formula ebook itself, and you can learn from extreme characters without copying their lifestyle 100%. Get the good tips and disregard the stuff that seems too crazy to you.
Easy to Implement - Lots of Detail
One of the highlights of the Attraction Formula system is all the detail Paul Janka goes into to describe exactly what you need to do at each step. Some people really need this kind of detailed advice to help them put what they read in to action - so it's very useful.This extends to the bonus audio and eBook downloads - in each of them Janka goes into a lot more depth on the steps to take. These bonuses are all good quality. Read our reviews of them to get the details: Text Game eBook, Day Game audio, and Closing.
The Bottom Line
The Attraction Formula program contains A LOT of content for what you pay for it. It's currently the best "value for money" program on the market, it's good quality advice and an effective system.It's a comprehensive all in one system taking you from A to Z with picking up girls. For beginners this is great because you have everything you need in one place and it will focus your study and learning curve so you get results quicker.
Now, ask yourself if this system is for you? If you are interested in meeting lots of women on the streets and perhaps taking on the lifestyle of a player, the answer will be Yes. You'll get an efficient system to do just that.
If, however, you are interested in meeting your 'one great girl' or girlfriend and you would like to keep more of your romantic notions you will either be disappointed or shocked by Attraction Formula. So instead look at programs designed for starting off towards those girls like Models: Attract Women through Honesty.
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Product Information
Paul Janka introduces his step-by-step system to meet and date women. The formula addresses the techniques necessary for meeting women during the day, relationships, and "playing the field" lifestyle.
The program now includes:
- Attraction Formula ebook (details on this page)
- Day Game Audio program
- Text Game ebook guide
- Access to the original Beyond the Digits videos
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- eBook
- Download (Audio)
- Download (Video)
- Online Access
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
1. Preparation: Philosophy and Mindset
2. Engagement: Bringing Her into Your Reality
3. Mid-Game: Moving Beyond the Digits
4. Sexual Logistics: Making It Happen
5. Relationships: The Final Frontier
6. Luxury Problems: Consequences of the Player Lifestyle
7. Appendix: Case Studies
Table of Contents:
1. Preparation: Philosophy and Mindset
- Origins
- The Limits of Intuition
- It’s Not Just About the Girls
- But They do Have a Comparative Advantage
- Who Wins?
- Conquering Fear
- Mojo
- The Difficulty with Groups
- So, Where Are They?
- Bars/Nightclubs
- Structured Environments
- A Grocery Store, the subway, the street, a bookstore
- Windows of Opportunity
2. Engagement: Bringing Her into Your Reality
- Now, a Word or Two on Approaches
- Words Three and Four on Approaches
- What Killed the Samurai? Hesitation
- Is She with Him?
- The “1-Minute” Movie Trailer Concept
- But…Why Not Stay Longer to Build Rapport?
- A Little Thing Called Women’s Pride
- Verbal Game… There’s No Other Kind
- So, What Do You Say?
- Female Short-Term Memory and the Generic Objection
- Emotional Kinematics
- Rejection and How to Deal with It
- Missed Opportunities and Global Population
- Pipelining
- A Side Note: Presentation
- Looks, Style, Grooming, Scruff, Fashion, Hygiene
3. Mid-Game: Moving Beyond the Digits
- The Idea of Discipline
- Phone Game & Volume Texting
- The 11% Rule
- The Spreadsheet
- Food for keeping your energy up
- Double and Triple Booking - Benefits and Pitfalls
- Now, on to… Money
- How to Spend the Money You Have Towards Getting Laid
- A Final Note: Money has Universal Value, Hot Chicks Do Not
4. Sexual Logistics: Making It Happen
- Two Categories of Men and the Immigration Analogy
- Touchy, Feely
- Aggression and the Theme of Penetration
- Castle and Kingdom - Lighting, Music, Temperature, Furniture, Surfaces
- Condom Placement
- Condoms in the Act – Durex vs. Trojan
- Now What? (Getting Her Naked)
- Issues of Respect
- Trying to Talk Your Way into It
5. Relationships: The Final Frontier
- Girls on Rotation
- Managing Expectations
- Scheduling
- Winnowing
- Breaking It Off
- The Girlfriend
- The Danger of Obsession
6. Luxury Problem: Consequences of the Player Lifestyle
- Managing a Reputation
- Moving Beyond Body Count
- Leaving Sexy Women Alone
- Logistics and Female Menstruation
- Disease and Pregnancy
- Loneliness
- Soiled Linens
- Sexual Ennui
- Epilogue
7. Appendix: Case Studies
- Russian Girls at Dinner
- Meet Me at Starbucks®
- I’m Not Ready to be Physical, Right Now
- The One from 2007
Additional Advice:
- The right method to pick up an attractive woman
- Creating a sexual conducive atmosphere
- Manage rejection and increase confidence
- Getting rid of approach anxiety to be comfortable with a woman
- Pick-up women examples
- Exhibiting your masculine qualities
What You Get:
1 ebook (Attraction Formula)
Bonus audio downloads:
- Day Game: See our review of the Day Game audio here>.
- Conversation Secrets
Bonus ebooks:
- Text Game (see our review of this guide here)
- Closing
Additional Bonus Access:
- 30 Day trial to advanced training video series. You will be billed $39 per month after the trial period.
Guarantee / Terms:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Attraction Formula - 14 day free trial, 5 payments of $4.99
User Reviews of Attraction Formula
Most Helpful User Reviews
"You Can Still Learn a Lot"
November 30, -1
until the energy or money has been bled dry and then still, they may not make the move. The timing is your domain. Remember that: timing is your domain."; what is more important than money to sleep with many women). However, if you expect special openers and techniques, you probably will be disappointed. the book is a collection of (great) thoughts by a guy who has had a lof of success with women. he just tells his perspective. he doesn't break it all down to stages like the Mystery Method, but you can still learn a lot from this reasonably priced book.
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"A good read with useful information BUT NOT a structured system"
November 16, 2013
Provided with this book is access to the Advance Training Program (ATP) and some live pickup videos. The ATP video is shot in front of a live audience. I was only able to watch half of the first video because the constant walking back and forth with the camera following the presenter distracted from the content being delivered. The actual content was good when the presenter stood still and delivered but sadly he could not stand still for long and it’s my opinion that the rest of the videos in the program would be delivered in the same way.
Despite the noise in the live pick up videos it’s actually good to see him approach women and get their numbers. He also gives a breakdown of the approach underneath the video on the site. However, what would have been nice for the novice is to see the follow up phone call to the women and the lead to an actual meet.
In my opinion this ebook is a good read and you can pickup bits and pieces from it but it is not suitable for beginners.
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"A Regular Guide"
November 30, -1
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