Attraction and Attachment: Understanding Styles of Relationships

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Product Information
This book aims to teach you all aspects of attraction, from why we are attracted to each other to creating attraction in a relationship.
- Attracting Women
- Relationship Skills
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
Balance and Attrachment and-Sometimes-Love
- Six Ways of Making 'Us'
Marriage and Attachment: An Exploration of Ten Long-Term Marriages
- Overview of Results
- Continuity
- Discontinuity
- Insight and Change
- The Interpresonal Context for Change
- The Role of Marriage
- Conclustions
Objects of Heart's Desire
Sexual Intimacy-Towards Equal Relationships Between Men and Women
- Towards a Psychology of Human Sexuality
- Male Sexuality and Object Relation Theory
- With a Little Help of the Computer
The Mating Game: What We Know and What We Don't Know
- Biological Theories of Mate Selection
- Social Psychological Theories of Mate Selection
- Psychological Theories of Mate Selection
- Discussion
An Overview of the Historical and Empirical Antercendents in the Development of the Codependency Concept
- Introduction
- Contemporary Codependency Theory
- The 'Disturbed Personality' Theory
- The 'Disturbed Personality Theory': A Feminist Perspective
- The 'Stress' Theory
- Empirical Study of the Capacity for Intimacy in Wives of Alcoholics or Codependents
- Discussion
Codependency and Depression: A Correlation Study
- Methodology
- Results
- Discussion
The Acceptability of Alternative Treatment Formats of Relationship Therapy: Ratings by Premarital Subjects
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
Change, Vulnerability, Fear, and Taking Risks
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $28.03
- Hardcover $45.00
- Paperback $47.95
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See policy of product website