Attraction Accelerated Weekend Workshop

Coaching Program Information
The "Attraction Accelerated Weekend Workshop" from Aura Transformation is a 3-day of in-field instruction, hands-on lessons, seminars, role-plays, drills, and exercises specially made for Singaporean (and other Asian) men.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Relationship Skills
- Inner Game & Confidence
- Lifestyle & Social Skills
- Standard Bootcamp
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Making your fashion style work for you
- How to design your lifestyle
- Making sure her phone number is not fake
- 5 secrets for smooth text and email follow-up
- How to develop a unshakable self-confidence
- How to socially dominate within a group
- How to open conversations that women will love
- Avoiding the top 3 mistakes guys usually make
- How to increase the interest of an attractive woman
- How to connect with people to be the center of attention
- How to advance to the next level emotionally and sexually
- 7 ways to steering conversations in your desired direction
- How to develop your own natural capability to attract women
- How to ensure you are always “in the zone” when socializing
- Establishing a strong internal mindset that attracts people
- 3 important principles for planning and executing the perfect date
- 9 field-tested categories of openers for approaching women
- Eliminating approach anxiety forever using Social Comfort exercises
- Leading people from one location to another and then back to your place
- 19 traits guys who are naturally attractive to women have in common
- How to smoothly take things beyond the platonic so you avoid the friend zone
- 3 vulnerability valuations to get a woman to open up and confess her secrets
- How to set up, manage, and succeed in many different kinds of long-term relationships
- Why you’re vulnerable to the bigger, better deal and protecting yourself against this
- Using 'Conversational Cornrowing' to maintain a conversation for as long as you want
- How to quickly establish genuine and deep emotional connections with an attractive woman
- 2 simple things to say to establish that both of you are looking for the same thing in a romantic partner
What You Get:
- 3 days workshop
- Extensive follow up support
- $397 deposit (remaining due at start of training)
Guarantee / Terms:
100% Money back Guarantee
User Reviews of Attraction Accelerated Weekend Workshop
Most Helpful User Reviews
"This One Weekend Changed My Life "
June 09, 2011
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
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"Attraction Accelerated Weekend Workshop - Review"
June 05, 2011
Coaching/ Bootcamps Information
Recently had the privilege to attend Dr Asian Rake's Attraction Accelerated Weekend Workshop ( in Singapore.
It consists of a 3-day program, with about 22 hours of coaching overall (including in-field coaching of about 8 hours). Covered a lot of theoretical material but also plenty of practice and exercises.
Instructor Dr Asian Rake is everything as described in his promotional material. Smart, charming, charismatic and with plenty of experiences to share. He also happens to be an ex-professor at a university so he can teach and coach very well. You get the feeling that he really cares about his students' progress and well-being too.
Particularly valuable were the in-field sessions. Dr Asian Rake brought along another instructor to help observe and push me to improve. Not exactly the most comfortable/natural thing for me to approach, but with the great support and help from the coaches I was able to do it with great success.
Results - a lot of cold approaches and great conversations on the first night. Second night was even better - met a great girl and we were sharing kisses at the VIP area within 15 minutes. Followed by a great after party at a friend's place.
The workshop is a great jump start but it also includes information on how to further improve everyday in the long term. Already seeing great incremental changes in my own life.
Another great thing is that Dr Asian Rake does not push you to be someone that you do not want to be or adopt any values that you disagree with (for whatever reason - cultural, religious or otherwise). No matter who you are, you will definitely improve with women upon completion of this program.
Highly recommended for asian men.
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