Always Turned On: Sex Addiction in the Digital Age

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Product Information
Robert Weiss (MSW) and Jennifer P. Schneider (MD, PhD) use “Always Turned On” as a way of addressing sex addiction in a changing world of increasing technology with virtually unlimited access to sexual imagery, graphic pornography, virtual sexual activities, and paid-for sexual encounters.
They address the lack of built-in accountability and abundance of endless stimulation, especially for porn addicts. The authors aim to show the negative aspects of sex addiction in a digital age while providing a means of showing how to turn those temptations off, and solutions for recovery.
- Kindle eBook
- Book
(depending on product format or options purchased)
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- Introduction: Digital Technology and Our Ever-Changing World
- Chapter 1: Sex, Tech, and Addiction
- Chapter 2: Pleasure Seeker or Addict? Understanding the Differences
- Chapter 3: The Consequences of Sex Gone Awry
- Chapter 4: Sexual Addiction: An Equal Opportunity for Women Too
- Chapter 5: Love and Romance Addiction in the Digital World
- Chapter 6: To the Cybersex Widow and Widower
- Chapter 7: Kids, Family and Cybersex Addiction
- Chapter 8: From Disconnection to Intimacy: The Healing Process
- Chapter 9: Getting Help, Getting Well
- Chapter 10: Single People and Sexual Healing: The Dating Conundrum
- Chapter 11: Marriage, Long-Term Relationships, and Sexual Healing: Rebuilding the Bond
- Chapter 12: Moving Beyond the Problem
- Resources for Addicts
- Resources for Spouses and Families of Addicts
- Resources for Therapists
Appendix: Activity Resources
- The Sexual Boundary Plan
- Developing a Dating Plan
What You Get:
Book options include:
- Kindle $7.41
- Paperback $15.04
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