A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend

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Product Information
"A Practical Handbook for the Boyfriend" is specifically written for men to show them how to navigate through male-female relationships. It offers the steps involved in becoming a good boyfriend, while maintaining your dignity.
Some of the areas covered:
- Ten things never to say on the first date
- Who decides when you become a boyfriend
- The middle ground between too cool and too eager
- How to look like you're listening, even when you're not
- Why becoming a good boyfriend is a lot like training for the A team
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- All Women Are Crazy: Reality is Relative
- Boy Meets Girl: Its All Starts Here
- BoyMeetsGirl.com: Its All Starts Here Online
- The First Date: Getting Your Feet Wet
- When Do You Become a Boyfriend, and Who Decides? - Duh
- Do I Look Fat? - A Cautionary Tale
- Your Call Is Important to Us: On the Phone
- Money: The Buck Stops Here
- Your Place or Mine? - When You're on Each Other's Turf
- We Interrupt This Program: Television
- Just What I've Always Wanted: Gift-Giving for Dummies
- Clothes Make the Man: Socks and the City
- On the Town: Out with Your Gal
- Rules of the Road: In the Car
- I Need Space: A Lame Excuse or Alone Time?
- Sex: Some Things About The One Thing
- I Hate How You Chew: And Other Daily Aggravations
- Love Hurts: Fighting
- But I Thought It Was Going So Well: Jealousy, Cheating, and Breaking Up
- Conclusion
What You Get:
Hardcover book
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