30/30 Club

Product Information
It's called the 30/30 Club because you commit to meeting 30 new women every 30 days. Everyone in the club does this. It's an attainable goal, and it helps you improve much more than reading alone. Every month, you will receive seminars and books based on where your game is at. The course will start from building a strong foundation for your game, slowly moving into more advanced topics. The curriculum is designed to give you a push every month.
- Meeting Women
- Attracting Women
- Intermediate
- Advanced
If you have a question or problem, ask us:Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:
- How to take any strengths you have
- The best opening strategies, lines and locations for you
- Why you may still be setting off a woman's "Nice Guy Detector"
- Do you radiate a natural sexual confidence and "strong presence"
- Process for complete "Social Freedom"
- Advanced Sexual Mastery
- Designing a fun, healthy lifestyle
- How to attract the "Ultimate Girlfriend"
What You Get:
30/30 ToolKit
- binder
- workbook
- 6 Downloadable CDs
Bonus Items:
- Motivational Newsletters Every Week: a to-do list is sent every week
- 30/30 Forum: log your results and get advice from expert coaches who are getting laid all the time.
- Openers sent straight to your cell phone
Guarantee / Terms:
Cancellations must be made before monthly payment.
Shipping and handling: $8.99/month
User Reviews of 30/30 Club
Most Helpful User Reviews
June 07, 2015
After listening to the seminar I went out the first weekend solo, both nightclub and daygame, after sitting in the house for a long time I threw myself into it, I had a really hard time in the club. I was feeling really crappy and returned to the forum to post my results.
It turned out I had misunderstood the directions that the Brad P openers were mandatory, while I had used whatever felt right. Rather than simply let me know the coach spoke to me like a piece of dirt, told me what I liked doing didn't mean shit. When I called him out on it and told him not to speak to me like that he apologised and said that none of the coaches get paid and he has to get through posts as fast as possible.
Brad P, here's a tip, if you're charging people money for something, you may want to pay your coaches, then they may give a more professional service.
After feeling like crap I wanted some support from the support network I had paid for. It totally threw me off and I couldn't open again for the next three weeks, and I cancelled my membership. I was that unimpressed by it that I was even willing to pay the $250 cancellation fee that is mentioned in the documentation, but I was told that they no longer charge people to cancel which is a tip for people if they want to get out of it but feel they can't afford it.
In terms of the coaching I got I would've been equal or better off posting on a random PUA forum. Considering I posted hardly anything for 3 weeks after this incident, you would've expected one of the coaches to have caught up with me to ask how I was getting on, but it's obvious they are spread so thin that they didn't have time to, or do a bare minimum of work because they are not paid.
The material is stuck in 2004, it's like the stuff RSD used to teach before they switched to natural game ages ago. I think the material hasn't been updated for 10 years because of the pop culture references in the openers that aren't relevant now.
On a positive side it seems I had joined just before they were revamping the system but I don't know what improvements would be made, but it didn't sound like they had any intention of investing money into the coaching system.
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"83% fail rate, elitist, hostile and old material"
March 23, 2016
He frames this as a good thing because it's higher compared to the other forums, and explains how he has come up with a way to repair what is wrong with the way the community is being run.
I would rather he flipped the script and realise that the way he is teaching isn't effective for over 80% of the people who buy into what he is saying, so maybe his ideas doesn't really work that well - They only work for a minority of people, who for some reason has the right predispositions and circumstances.
Would you sign up for an education that flunked over 80% of the students and then blamed the students? This is appalling under any circumstance, and shouldn't be accepted.
On another, yet similar, note - The material hasn't been updated or changed since the forum started in 2008, and a lot of it wasn't made specifically for 3030 so most of it is even older than that. He's talking about Myspace in some of the audio....
They sort of revamped the forum about 6-8 months ago. So maybe they improved it. But no one is really posting anything and he is holding back some of the material because he is dissatisfied with the lack of action. In a recent post he wrote:
"Months 9-12 are basically sitting on my hard drive. I'd like to see a few of these slacking new guys at least posting SOMETHING/ANYTHING and show me they are using the material in months 5-8 before I release it. You new guys really do suck so far at applying the material and posting results. I suggest you use the material soon and get your dick into a girl soon, before your dick stops working completely."
Seems like a complete failure, which again is framed as the customer's own fault.
It's not really a nice place to be. Like another reviewer here wrote; If you are having problems applying the material or don't comply to how Brad P and his coaches think it should be done, there's not really any help. Worse case scenario, you get told that you should just stop being a pussy(they even have a rule for this; Rule 74 or something like that) and apply the material. Or you get told that you are whiny. But most of the time your posts will go unanswered.
There are not really any coaches present or any constructive advice or encouragement from anyone, so no one is posting anything.. why would they.. There haven't been build an environment for people to learn or be open about their problems and experiences.
It's just hostile and elitist.
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"you have "
February 01, 2016
BradP claims to be "the best pickup coach". Yet very few ppl who enter the program actually gets laid in the program. There are these coaches who tend to intimidate you to become paying customers, after you have wasted years in the program.
You are advised and encouraged to go out solo without any support, because when you fail guess what they will tell you.."you failed because you didnt apply our techniques correctly. Let me give you a call because you desperately need to talk to me because of higher bandwidth in communication. Just payme $200/hour for shitty advice." And when you are going out solo you have no other view point except for your own and what BradP tells you. You will basically be eating out of their hands. BradP is basically trying to create a cult of losers who keeps paying money into their pocket.
There are a few people who I respect there, but the coach who posts most John, is a horrible coach. Literally no student has succeeded, and he makes wild claims about his ability. If you come in and have some severe issue he is going to manipulate you into listening to him. Then you will fail and fail again, and then he will tell you to get a coach somewhere so you can pay more money into their pockets. This guy used to go around fucking other peoples boyfriends, so has no ethics. What else can you expect?
You chances of success in this program are ~ 1% if you are normal. The program is designed so you will most likely fail. Further he wont release or show the success rate of students from later months. This keeps the mystery up, and you will itch to know whats in the months beyond. So you will keep paying him money. Its like a sunk cost. Just because you have paid the first months payment, and because eyou will loose access to the content if you don’t keep paying, you will want to keep paying.
Brad P made this program out of his own anedotal experience which was based upon the fact that he was already a rockstar. Of the thousands that have joined the program in the last 5 years, 16 ppl have made it through the 12 months and have improved. Don’t believe the fact that 16% of everybody on the forum is getting laid. Further the people who actually improved significantly paid through the nose to get there and were very good to begin with. Most of these people have essentially given up their entire identity to become a rock musician to get pussy. If you have no life and are willing to give up your life and bank balance to BradP do it. Come to think about it the program for coaching is set up exactly how bradp teaches. Spam approache every girl, and then you will find a few girls who are really into you. Similarly he will manipulate everybody and there will be a few people who are willing to dump their entire livelihood, college, career, etc for BradP. Please don’t fall into the false marketing that I have seen happen over the last 3 years I have seen at 30/30. There are better programs out there. Check out Models from Mark Manson. I heard very good reviews on Seddit, and am going to start working on that.
The good coaches have left and what is left is the shitty coaches. BradP rarely comes online. I am hoping BradP sees this and changes the forum, straightens his coaches out, and removes his mentally ill coaches.
P.S. BradP somehow managed to remove all the bad reviews from the Lovesysytems website (Attractionforums) that his coaching is shit. Now only the good reviews from 2010 and earlier are there.
I want to end by saying that I have heard that BradP himself is good at pickup, but he or his coaches are not in this to teach. He has essentially set up a scam to make as much money as possible. (read other review here about how he doesn't pay coaches)
I am pretty sure you dont believe me. So please come to club and dump all your money and prepare to be manipulated.
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"Difficult to Endorse"
December 12, 2015
Instead, I would recommend Dr. Glover's No More Mr. Nice Guy classes. I did this after doing Brad P. I found it much, much better. Glover answers every question personally, has a live q & a for each class, and is generally much more responsive than Brad P.'s program. Keep in mind Glover focuses more on mindset, seeing as he's a marriage and family counselor. He says he focuses less on technique (I think that's debatable) and less on night game, but I've found his online classes much more helpful. Glover's classes are what Brad P. markets his program as - online coaching and mentoring.
The customer service is also very unresponsive at Brad P. Guys on the forum complain about it all the time and resort to having to post on the forum to get basic responses.
It's a shame because Brad P himself is a great guy and wonderful teacher. I think Brad P's workshops and phone coaching is very good. His ideas are innovative and his commitment to getting out approaching was extremely helpful for me. However, there are some serious shortcomings in my experience with the program, and other products out there were more helpfull for me. I would hate to see guys waste time like I did.
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"The Program is Amazing"
October 25, 2008
Definetly take a Brad P workshop over VA or anyone else. He's head and shoulders above any guru out there.
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"Great product, even though I dont agree with all of it"
October 24, 2016
1. Have been on the forums and in pickup for a while
2. I have tried a lot of different products
3. Don’t have any financial ties to BradP
1. BradP has simplified the whole MM structure. The simplified structure will work great if you have already internalized the MM structure, however if you are not already very social or haven’t mastered the basic MM structure you will fall on your face over and over again.
2. Overall the forum is very positive and has great posters who are actually going out and are very motivated people. I don’t necessarily agree with their strategies, but its probably because my starting point is not the same as theirs. What works for them doesn’t work for me. Nonetheless having been on a lot of forums, this is the forum that I find most useful, inspite of me not agreeing to all of the structure of BradP.
3. The forum doesn’t have trolls and keyboard jockeys. I have seen keyboard jockeys on a lot of forums, and the common theme is that they look for adult pics/controversial topics and post memes and what not. People here don’t post pics, they post actual hard earned field reports. A lot of failures, but that’s what pickup is. If you cant deal with the hard truth and think that because you are a snowflake and will become a pickup superstar and start getting 3 somes within 1 months of going out even though you haven’t approached 1 girl in your entire life, please spare us the random post and don’t join
4. The forum is mostly self-moderated. BradP doesn’t necessarily delete posts which advocates other products, which I think is one of the greatest things about the forum. If a method works, he is very open to it. But be calibrated and don’t over do it. Everbody including BradP has to protect his own financial interests. People on the forum are very open to strategies that gets results whether you heard it from the Pope or from that guy who got 420 girls in a year.
5. The core of the BradP curriculum is identity. Maybe why the people who really fly on this forum are the high-acheivers, who are mentally very strong and have strong egos. This also means that there are sometimes fights on the forums (and I have been part of some of these ). This doesn’t mean we hate each other, it always subsides. Because of its focus on identity, you have to stick to it for a long period of time. If you do, the results are life changing and improves all areas of your life. It requires you to look deeply into yourself and change your core. This is very unlike a lot of other products which promise very fast results and vastly under-deliver. Having tried and having seen a lot of my friends try a lot of products from rival companies (hint hint R*D), I am never going back.
6. The BradP curriculum will work perfectly as written for some people. But for majority of the people, you will have to figure out by talking to a coach or by yourself, how to fill up the gaps which are hindering you from moving from one point to another. This is probably the reason why a lot of people give up. This is probably an indication of their impatience. The same people will also fail on other pickup products. Nobody said the pickup fantasy is easy. If it was that easy, everybody would be doing it.
In short, the BradP curriculum has its drawbacks, but combining a lot of the above features its rocks and is superior to most products I have seen.
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