2 Girls Teach Sex   

2 Girls Teach Sex
Dating Company: 2 Girls Teach Sex | Dating Coaches:
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Editor Review

69 of 77 people found the following review helpful

"Great Easy and Practical Learning for the Less Sexual Experienced"

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Last Update: March 03, 2025
The Good
Good step by step demonstrations of effective sexual positions, a lot of practical advice that is simple enough for anyone to understand and use, easy to learn from 'edutainment' factor.
The Bad
Slightly confusing order of DVDs, DVD #3 on squirting not as good, less innovative techniques than the advanced products on the market.
The Bottom Line
We recommend this program for beginners and guys with less experience because you get to see the demonstrations and the information is kept simple, but effective.

In fact, the less experience you have, the better this program will be for you vs. other sexual training programs. So be truthful with yourself - if you don't have a lot of experience or really don't feel comfortable with sex try this product out before one of the more advanced programs (e.g. Female Orgasm Blueprint or Revolutionary Sex) - you'll get better results.


You receive the 2GTS (2 Girls Teach Sex) DVDs by post - mine came pretty quickly with a few days although I was on the other side of the world at the time. They come with some nice packaging and a good introduction letter to explain what you have bought. There are 6 DVDs in total, which took me about a day to get through.

This is the second time we've reviewed this product as they made updates and changes to the original DVD set based on customer feedback.

An Easy to Watch Course
2GTS have taken advantage of the use of porn stars to make their course more entertaining and easily watchable. Throughout the DVDs they make a lot of effort to keep things interesting, down-to-earth and combine the education with a bit of entertainment (edutainment).

This works well and is a nice addition (obviously based on customer feedback) since the original version of these DVDs. This differentiates the product from others like The Female Orgasm Blueprint and Revolutionary Sex which are more technical/ advanced and feel more like an actual course, requiring a "study mindset" to get the value from them.

2 Girls Teach Sex will appeal to more men who may be less 'studious' and as such it is a more mainstream product than its competitors.

However, don't write this product off for just entertainment - there is a lot of learning embedded within it.

You'd be mistaken to consider this as soft porn or entertainment only, Bobby Bradshaw actually mentions this several times throughout the DVDs and basically begs the viewers to keep the sound on and not just watch the naked ladies inside.

This made us chuckle, but it's a good point. Yes, there are naked girls in this course, but hey, they are porn stars, just google their name and find their porn movies if that's what you want. This is still a course, watch it at least once with the sound on to get all the sound advice.

Multiple Orgasm Methods (DVD #1)
This DVD is split into two sections, a seminar and demonstrations. In the seminar two porn stars (Tori Black, Jazzy Berlin) and Bobby Bradshaw, the 2GTS host, basically go through a FAQ of multiple orgasms that is pretty comprehensive and very helpful.

It's helpful for most men, most of all for men who have doubts about their abilities where it comes to orgasms and multiple orgasms. Every man has some of these doubts, and many are basically clueless about the whole thing and will learn lots here.

After having watched this seminar you should feel a lot more relaxed about multiple orgasms (and orgasms) and what you should do with your girl to get them. It's kept pretty simple, which is always a good thing.

Tori Black takes a strong lead giving 80% of the advice in this section, with Jazzy Berlin adding her bits in here and there. This is a pity, because Tori is obviously a harder type of girl who likes strong sex, while Jazzy has a more sensitive side. It would have been great to get more advice from Jazzy to better illustrate the differences between women that you may encounter. Having said that Tori is careful to keep in mind that girls are all different and pushes this theme a lot and give examples of how women differ.

A note: At one point Tori says "some relationships last a long time simply based on multiple orgasms." It is true that many relationships will last longer based on 'good sex' alone, however remember that sex isn't the be-all-end-all in relationships, so keep that in mind. This is explained in the DVD also at various points, but we thought we would mention it here as well.

Demonstrations are good, slow, and with some sound advice. For beginners I'd suggest watching them many times and going back to them, as you may miss out details when you are in the moment with sex.

Shawna and Jessica do these demonstrations - girl on girl sex. Using a strap on dildo to mimic the movements of a girl. Remember though that they are only demos. They will be useful for the beginner but they are also mechanical because it's a teaching segment - "do this, then transition to that, then move your hand to position x, etc". Very sound moves but remember over time to do your own thing and be spontaneous.

Advanced Sexual Positions (DVD #2) and Forbidden Secrets (DVD #4) / (DVD #6)
DVD #2 teaches you a list of sexual positions via demonstrations given by 2 girl porn stars (one wears a strap on dildo to perform the job of the man). Instructions are given step by step with Bobby Bradshaw talking through what the girls are doing and the benefits.

It's very instructional given that it is visual and you are walked through each part of the position and they also discuss when during sex making it is most appropriate (given that some positions are less practical for long durations). It's a lot better than any of your traditional sex demonstration videos you may have seen on the market. The positions are overall well chosen to get 'results' - watch, practice and perfect these moves and you'll already be in the top 5% of men, if not the top 1%.

On DVD #4 you get introduced in a seminar with Bobby Bradshaw and Jessica into psychological techniques and you are explained the concept that good sex is 'psychological', especially for women. An very important point.

The techniques are based on the system P.A.V.E. which is a modified version of the Sex God Method system (Bobby Bradshaw originally worked at Sex God Method). P.A.V.E. has been simplified down and made more accessible.

P.A.V.E. is definitely easier to learn than Sex God Method and it tends to focus on the 'quick wins'. The easy things you can do to improve your sex life, so you benefit from the simplification Bobby Bradshaw has brought to the system. P.A.V.E. is explained in down to earth everyday language, and anyone should be able to make use of it.

The best aspect of this seminar is the fact that Bobby makes a point of always bringing the topics down to a practical level. No matter your sexual experience, Bobby's attention to the details will ensure you understand and can implement this material.

On DVD #6 you get a PDF of the book "Animal Orgasms" which goes through the whole course in ebook format. It is basically the same material you've seen in all the DVDs, but there for you to read if you prefer that format. It's probably most useful as a reference tool to go back to to remind yourself of points (so you don't have to go back to watching the DVDs each time).

The Squirting Orgasms Training (DVD #3)
For this training you meet "Hunter" who is a 'squirter' from the porn industry. There is an interview with her and then a demo with Shawna Lenee stimulating her.

This DVD is the least useful in the package. "Hunter" is not well positioned to give great advice on this because she is a natural squirter and there are very very few women like this. Unlike Tori Black she seems to lack a good understanding of other women to be able to overcome this fact in her training.

Squirting can be achieved with virtually all women based on my experience, but it DOES require specific techniques, and sometimes 'awakening her squirting ability' which takes a bit longer.

The techniques required are a lot more than is shown here, and there are several training programs that teach it properly. The best is "Squirting Orgasm Mastery", also by 2 Girls Teach Sex, and led by Marcus London - a porn star who made a name for himself giving women squirting orgasms.

Having said this, Bobby Bradshaw makes some important points in this video and positions it well - "you shouldn't get hung up about having to get a girl to squirt". Squirting is a nice to have and something which is very rare for girls to have experienced and not all girls enjoy. Shawna herself says in this video that she has never had a squirting orgasm - and she's a porn star!

So watch this DVD for optional entertainment factor and consider squirting an extra tool in your toolbox, but don't obsess over it or make this your priority - especially if you have yet to master the basics.

Customer Service Data Points and Guarantee
From what we've seen 2 Girls Teach Sex Inc is a professionally-run company and they honor their money back guarantee. They told us in January 2012 that they have a team of 7 people working on customer service and their refund rate is about 4.5%. For reference that's a respectable low return rate, so obviously most customers are happy with their purchase.
A Reordering of DVDs May Help Your Learning Experience
2GTS have revised this product since the original version based on customer feedback. This included adding new parts, and taking out others. This has improved the program considerably, however one side effect is that the ordering of the DVDs could be a little confusing for some people. An example is that in the first DVD the P.A.V.E. system is mentioned quite a few times although you haven't yet seen any information about it because it is covered in DVD #4.

It's not a big issue. If you find it a little confusing when you get started, try watching it in this order, that way you'll learn each part before it is mentioned:

  1. DVD #4 Forbidden Sex Secrets
  2. DVD #1 Multiple Orgasms Method
  3. DVD #2 Advanced Sexual Positions
  4. DVD #5 Shawna Lenee interview
  5. DVD #6 Animal Orgasms (PDF eBook)

I've left DVD #3 out because it doesn't contain very helpful advice, you should consider it optional viewing.

A Word on the Porn Star Demographic
Some of the girl porn stars give you advice on what girls like, how important sex is to women etc. throughout the program. A lot of what they say is true - it is out of most men's comfort zones to think that sex is so important for girls, but it can be. However… keep in mind that these girls are porn stars and from a very specific biased demographic with respect to attitudes towards sex.

At one point Jessica says for instance "Sex is 98% of a relationship, the rest is 2%. If you are really good in bed nothing else really matters."

Don't take this too seriously. Realize that women have different motivations and that sex is always important no matter what they say (including what "normal, good girls" say). However... saying that nothing else is important, depending on the girl and her attitudes, will lead to a lot of negatives in your relationships with women. They won't be happy, will eventually leave you despite the good sex etc.

Simply put: Sex is very important to relationships - so study it and get it right to get more out of your relationships and keep them healthy and strong. It's essential. But don't neglect the rest, because you'll find that relationships with most women don't last and don't stay healthy, if based purely on sex.

Want to Watch Shawna Lenee?
I know that some guys will be attracted to this product because of Shawna Lenee.

So here's the run down of her part in the program. Shawna Lenee appears in three of the DVDs.

  1. She demonstrates some sexual positions in DVD 1 with Jessica
  2. An interview with her for 45 minutes on DVD 5
  3. In a demonstration and discussion of squirting orgasms with "Hunter" (DVD 3: squirting orgasms)
The Bottom Line
The highlights of this program are:
  1. It has visual demonstrations that you can watch so you know what to do (it's the only program we've reviewed that has these)
  2. It has porn stars acting and talking in it (do you like porn and porn stars? maybe you'll feel more comfortable and stay more engaged watching this than something more technical with more theory)
  3. The advice is kept very simple yet actually has some quite advanced techniques
  4. Edutainment factor - if you dislike studying you'll find this product better for you and easier to learn from

For these reasons, we recommend this program for beginners and guys with less experience. Actually seeing the demonstrations and the fact that the information is kept simple will get you some good results, and help you to avoid making all the early mistakes.

I'll go further to say the less experience you have, the better this program will be for you vs. other programs e.g Female Orgasm Blueprint. Female Orgasm Blueprint is more advanced but also more complex, and a lot of the advice might fly over your head if you are 20 years old and only had sex with 2 or 3 girls.

2 Girls Teach Sex would be a good program to watch at that level to quickly and easily cover all the basics. You can then graduate to a more advanced course such as Female Orgasm Blueprint or Revolutionary Sex later after getting some practice under your belt.

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Product Information

In this set of DVDs, topics include:

- How a woman instinctively knows about the spots on another girl's body to touch
- How to touch women and putting the techniques into practice to satisfy your partner

Bonuses include:

- Secrets Of Superman Stamina Report (PDF) - Animal Orgasms (New "Bible" Of Naughty Sex Techniques)

Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
  • DVD (Video)
  • eBook
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Bobby BradshawShawna LeneeTori Black
Release Date:
January 01, 2010
Product No Longer Available.


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Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

DVD #1 Multiple Orgasm Methods
- Intro to videos
- Seminar with Tori Black and Jazzy
- How many can she have
- How much time between orgasms
- Foreplay orgasms
- Never miss an opportunity
- Four types of orgasms
- A common mistake
- Demonstrations with Shawna & Jessica

DVD #2 Advanced Sex Positions
- Warming her up
- The jockey
- The bodyguard
- The cross
- The screw
- Forbidden fruit
- The scissor
- The lotus
- Vietnamese oyster

DVD #3 Forbidden Sex Secrets
- Setting up your bedroom
- Spice up "doggystyle"
- Sex locations that will turn her on
- How to talk dirty to your woman
- Why women hate inexperienced guys
- Things a man must know about a woman
- A deadly mistake 77% of men make in bed
- The right time to get emotional with a woman
- The common sex technique women secretly hate
- The 7-word sentence that puts her in the mood
- How to smoothly move from one position to the next
- How to introduce kinky stuff into your experiences
- The ways women like men to be romantic in bed
- The 3 things you must do before you get in your bedroom
- The main rule to be observed for women to have an incredible orgasm
- The order of positions to give her the best chance of having multiple orgasms

DVD #4 Secrets Of Squirting Orgasms
- Information about squirting orgasms
- Where to touch on a woman's body to get her to squirt
- Live and explicit demonstration of how to give a woman a squirting orgasm

DVD #5 Shawna Sex Secrets
- How long a guy should last in bed
- Three different techniques for foreplay
- Five kissing secrets used by French men
- How guys in porn learned to be good at sex
- How to finger a woman while she is still dressed
- Inside the mind of "Hottest Girl in Porn 2008"
- How to turn your girl into a screaming porn star
- The 3 types of orgasms you can give her before sex
- Why stamina does not matter if you don't have proper technique
- How to get your woman to do Shawna's favorite sexual position
- Addressing your "cumming too fast" thoughts and your stamina
- Three reasons why foreplay should not stop until she orgasms
- The simple sentence that relaxes her and gets her ready for sex
- What prevents women from powerful orgasms and how to remove it
- The main mistake guys make both during porn sex and in real life
- A 4-step massage that initiates sex even when she is not in the mood
- How to take an ordinary bedroom accessory and turn it into a sex toy
- Why confidence is "biologically proven" to be the biggest turn on for girls
- The doggy style grip to create a bad boy image and increase her animalistic pleasure

What You Get:

5 DVDs with video course material
1 DVD with a Training Manual (Bonus stamina report)

Guarantee / Terms:

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

User Reviews of 2 Girls Teach Sex

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36 of 42 people found the following review helpful

"The only sex product with real video demonstrations! "

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I was a total begginer. The first girl I really liked I lost her because it was just awkward during Sex.

She was dissapointed, I felt like a didn't really know why or what I had done wrong, and soon she broke up with me. It took me a long time to get over.

So needless to say I've gone through a lot of different sex products since and many are good, but the problem is they don't show any of the techniques. It's all stuff you have to read about to understand.

2 Girls Teach Sex, has real demonstrations, When I first got it, I spent about 45 minutes going through the content and I totally got it. This really isnt very hard, one you see it in action.

Shawna demonstrates a few positions, the 2" bigger missionary is amazing. Plus a couple other that totally work.

Plus her and Bobby, explain about being authoritative and having the right mind set... acting a like a man, and just doing it, no asking. It was complete confidence booster.

The next girl I hooked up with, I put in the 3 positions main positions 2GTS shows, and it was crazy. She went nuts... like the animal came out of her! And afterwards, her voice had changed into this super sweet girl who was looking at me like I'm the best man she's ever known.

So anyways I had a complete turn around. This stuff works, all these products are pretty good, but 2GTS shows you what you need to know, and is the quickest to digest and easiest to understand.

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24 of 29 people found the following review helpful

"Great Product"

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The Good
Easy to imply techniques wich blow your mind, a female view on Sex and different positions, great Quality, beautiful Girls
The Bad
it´s not cheap,
WARNING: This Product really gives you the power to make Grils get Sexually addicted to you.

My girl got 7 Orgasms...in 35 Minutes
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23 of 24 people found the following review helpful

"I Was Quite Impressed"

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I have to admit that I was a little embarrassed ordering this product. It's hard to man up and admit that you suck in the bedroom. I even emailed the company to make sure there wasn't anything showing up on my credit card statement that had anything to do with sex. Yeah, that's just me being paranoid.

So let me get the good stuff...this product, even though a little pricey, was worth every dime. What makes it special is that it's taught from the perspective of a women. I mean, I want to know what women want and this took me there.

Let me just warn you guys that the videos are long. Don't go through everything at once! I made this mistake the first time around and just became overwhelmed. I mean, there is A LOT of video here. So second time around I went bit by bit and it was much more effective.

The first night I used this, my girlfriend had to bite on her pillow so that the neighbors wouldn't hear her screaming. The second night, the same. Well she's been been hooked every since. (I've been with this girl 3 years and have NEVER received that reaction).

Now it's hard for me to compare this product to others because this is the first and only one that I've bought...BUT I really haven't needed anything else.

Hope this helps anybody out there.

Joey V
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23 of 26 people found the following review helpful

"It IS worth if... Though A Tad Expensive"

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The Good
Written with some humor and lightheartedness, there is some really SOLID info in here, being performed by a bevy of very hot Porn Stars. Mostly dealing with how to take kissing and then foreplay to the next level (getting her really hot, from a woman's perspective) to going beyond the usual mission/ doggy. It's a visually entertaining demo on variations/ change ups of the usual positions. As well as escalating the session as well. Pushing her boundaries a bit further.
The Bad
It's not inexpensive and honestly should just be mastered onto one or two DVDs.
This is sexual performance from the GIRLS perspective!

How to PLEASE THEM better so they will please YOU more. Honestly, do you want to hear this stuff from a creepy guy or from a couple of hot Penthouse Pets and Adult Film Starlets?
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18 of 48 people found the following review helpful


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Got it, was disappointed. Already doing most of the stuff. Did not give anything usefull. Not enough Shawna.
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17 of 18 people found the following review helpful

"2 Girls Teach Sex Rocks!"

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I bought the 2 Girls Teach Sex program over a year ago, and it ROCKS!

So many programs out there give you WAY too much information, it get's boring, and I end up giving up on the program before I even have a chance to get through all the information. So it turns out to be a big fat waste of my hard earned cash -

What rocks about 2 Girls Teach Sex is that it's clear, concise, and not a lot of psychological mumbo jumbo - it get's right to the tips and advice I want to know about right away -

The demos rock, the chicks who demonstrate are hot, and I watched 1 DVD after the other, over and over -

The really awesome part were the results - I tried a few new moves on my girlfriend (who wasn't that into me at the time) and now she can't keep her hands off of me - AND not to brag, but she BEGS me for sex now - oh yeah - believe it!

So I guess it all depends on what you're looking for - as for me, I just wanted to know how to rock my girls world - and that's exactly what I got and it didn't take weeks - just a few days to see results.

I'm just saying.....


Happy Jack in Kansas City

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15 of 16 people found the following review helpful

"The best demonstrations I've Ever seen for "How To" Sex Advice. "

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Demonstrations with the "how to" style sex advice are EXTREMELY hard to come by. That being said, I think you're a little biased in your review as this product is more about demonstrations and "how to" tutorials rather than seminar style advice like the Sex God Method. It is also geared towards a more mainstream audience like myself who doesn't really want to put in the time in to become a "master" in the bedroom, but just good enough to feel confident that she will not doubt you for being a beginner.

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8 of 10 people found the following review helpful

"6 DVD Version is solid"

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The 6 program version with the demos is great. I'm pretty sure it's the one that cost $97 as that's the one I got. It is also now streaming online with the DVDs at an option for $10 more. I've never seen the 3 DVD version offered. Not sure where the reviewer got it..

But anyway, when I got it I was a little concerned about my performance with this new girl I wanted to bang and this program extremely overly claimed it would "turn me into a sex god".. So I figured if I could be a 10th of what it claimed it be worth it.. haha..

The demos in the DVDs are great and the seminar explains the principles quite well. I didn't fully go through and "abdorb" it like some of the folks here.. I just watch it through once to get an idea of the techniques and how to use them.

And.. it worked out quite well.. I can now definitely say, when I get with a girl, I'm 100% confident I know what I'm doing and also why I'm doing it.

For $97 it is a little steep, but once I had the opportunity to use these techniques, the price seemed extremely insignificant compared to being insecure with a new girl.

Would I recommend this? Of course. I would recommend this to any guy who want's to be "great" in bed.. As far as the being "the best" in bed? Well maybe the reviewer is right that the program without the demos and the girls is better for that. Though for me, this was perfect.
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8 of 11 people found the following review helpful

"Immediate improvement - Worth the investment! "

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This product was extremely helpful because it provided a woman's perspective on sex, as well as preferences on positions. The demonstrations
are very helpful and provide a quality "how to" approach when it comes to pleasing a woman. My wife and I noticed a definite improvement in our sex life once we implemented several of the techniques demonstrated on the video.

This product isn't cheap; however, it boils down to "What it's worth" to you to invest in improving their sex life with their partner. I personally found the investment worth it, as it paid off almost immediately.
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful

"Guide to Multiple Orgasms"

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"Hey Guys, I was finding articles and programmes on the internet on 'How to give girls multiple orgasms?' and I came across Shawna's '2 Girls Teach Sex'. I subscribed to the newsletter, watched the promo video and immediately decided to buy it. I bought the whole programme and believe me, it was the best investment I made so far this year. It teaches you techniques from 'giving her a sensual massage' to 'making her have an orgasms, not once, not twice but over and over again'. Also, there are simple ways to increase your sex stamina and thereby making you last much longer with her on bed. Isn't that amazing?! I tried these techniques on my friend and I had an AMAZING results too; she experienced the BEST sex EVER. So do you want to keep your girl happy? Do you want to give her orgasms she could never possible think of? Do you want her to NEVER leave you over some other guy? Do you want to become her 'THE SEX GOD?'. This is your chance!"
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