The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment   

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Dating Coach: Eckhart Tolle
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"State Tech that Advanced Level Daters can Leverage to Boost Inner Game"

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Last Update: March 03, 2025
The Good
Very accessible and easy to implement tech on developing your inner game, excellent value for money
The Bad
Not targeted at guys developing their dating skills, shouldn’t start with this product if you don't have a foundation of dating skills and have learned about inner game already.
The Bottom Line
This is a good read for those learning how to control their state better.

It provides an easy introduction into the practice of 'mindfulness' and 'positive states', whereas many books that cover this topic are not as readable or relatable to your situation.

Integrating these practices into your life will impact your dating skillset significantly when applied properly - and with persistent effort over time.

This is an intermediate to advanced level study aid - for people who haven't yet learned about mindfulness and state control. If you are a beginner, this isn't the best place to start - rather check out The Collection of Confidence, the best course we've found to introduce beginners to inner game and get them started in a practical manner.


Note: The majority of people who seek dating advice do not at first understand the connection with inner game and why it is so important. Read our explanation of ‘inner game’ so that you understand its importance.

The Power of Now was a groundbreaking book that brought some basic principles of inner peace and state to the mass market. The value of the book is that Eckhart Tolle, rather than creating something new, was that he captured the principles in a very simple form that is easy to understand, relate to and apply in your life. That is the no. 1 reason why this book has stood apart from the mass of books on spirituality, meditation, self actualization and so on that cover similar material.

This book is not targeted at men wanting to improve their dating skills. This is an important point, because you will need an understanding of inner game and dating to apply its knowledge.

A Story You Can Relate To
When you read the first chapter on how he discovered his new found inner peace and clarity you will make a direct connection. It strikes a chord with the human condition. This first part enables you to understand that you are not at peace with yourself. He explains in very simple terms the thought processes that show that you are not at peace. His humorous look at how ridiculous some of the mental pain and anguish we harbor is, is a wake up call. This strikes another chord.

His mental journey after the first realizations is more difficult to relate to, unless you have made some progress yourself to being more present. When I read this for example, I wasn’t sure about it, it was only three to six months later when I had similar realizations to Eckhart that I accepted this part of his story.

Practical Mind Strategies
Chapters three to five move on to practical implementation. He describes one or two very basic exercises and then focuses on describing the experiences, the inner states and how you can reach these mindsets. This is constantly reinforced, with his own story.

These exercises are extremely straight forward. So the value in his dedicating so much of the book to their implementation is in your own understanding of the mental states you will pass through and the underlying reasoning behind it. This clarity is important to your motivation to use the exercises. It provides a useful compass, so that when you have reached a state he describes, you know to look for it again, and the next time it is much easier to find again, thanks to the clarity of your understanding.

I want to caveat this point because it is important. These exercises will be very good for your inner game, and easy to implement, provided you know how to go about it. Eckhart doesn’t explain any relationship of ‘being in the now’ to success at dating and with women in a way that most students of dating will understand. You will need an advanced level, experience or previous study of good dating-targeted inner game material to apply this appropriately. For this reason, whilst it is easy to implement in a general sense, to leverage it to improve your dating life it is more challenging.

The Connection with Dating Skills
When I first read this book many years ago many of the dating instructors were reading it and recommending it to each other. I, personally, was looking to take my dating skills to the next level, to make it a more natural part of my life, to take the effort out of it. It had a big impact on me, and although it took a few months of thinking about what he relays in the book, and using some of his principles to get there, the book introduced me, day by day, to the state that he discusses.

When I finally started getting the ‘elated’ states and happiness and mindsets that Eckhart describes it was a little strange. Waking up everyday and feeling on top of the world is basically what happened. I’ve never taken drugs, but I assumed it could be something like taking an ecstasy pill. It was that powerful. I look back on those days with a little bit of nostalgia, because today I have taken feeling like this all the time a bit for granted. Back then I felt like I’d stepped into a new phase in my life. Needless to say this has had a big impact on my dating life, especially in relationships, and in my life overall.

If You Don’t Understand Inner Game Yet, Don’t Start Here
This book is not directed specifically at people wanting to improve their dating skills. That does not detract from its value. However, you won’t be able to use the knowledge in this book to improve your dating life unless you first understand how it is applicable. In fact it could even damage your dating skills if you don’t place this information into the right context. That context will not be transparent to you unless you have studied some aspects of inner game from the dating perspective. So I suggest you take a look at one of the better inner game skillset products that directly target dating in DSR’s Inner Game Skillset Ranking first.
The Bottom Line
This is a MUST read. I suggest you read it after getting a foundation understanding of dating skills, and in particular how inner game relates to the dating skillset so that you can integrate its ‘non-dating directed’ knowledge into your inner game skillset.

For guys who already have some dating success, ‘technical’ dating skills such as attraction and approaching, and have a basic understanding of inner game, this is the ideal product to take your inner game and dating skills to the next level.

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Product Information

In this best-selling book, author Eckhart Tolle describes his transition from despair to self-realization. It explains how he came to understand this transformation, while evolving a practical philosophy of parallels in Buddhism, relaxation techniques, and meditation theory.

He explains that we all have the ability to access the deepest self, the true self, by living present, fully, and intensely in the Now.

He also shows readers how to recognize themselves as the creators of their own pain, and how to have a pain-free existence.

Inner Game & Confidence
Experience Level(s):

Learning Format:
  • Kindle eBook
  • Book
Expert/ Coach/ Author:
Eckhart Tolle
Release Date:
September 27, 1999
Price: $4.24 - $17.72

(depending on product format or options purchased)


If you have a question or problem, ask us:

Table of Contents/ List of Topics Covered:

- You Are Not Your Mind
- Consciousness: The Way Out of Pain
- Moving Deeply Into the Now
- Mind Strategies for Avoiding the Now
- The State of Presence
- The Inner Body
- Portals into the Unmanifested
- Enlightened Relationships
- Beyond Happiness and Unhappiness There Is Peace
- The Meaning of Surrender

What You Get:

Book options include:

- Hardcover $4.24 - $17.72
- Paperback $5.70 - $9.55
- Kindle $7.32
- Audible $14.95

Guarantee / Terms:

See policy of product website

User Reviews of The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful

"A pathway to a golden new feature in your life mixed with bad advice and mystical bull…"

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“Mindfulness meditation (focusing on the present without critical thought to what happens) benefits your wellbeing to the point of ecstasy and reduces stress”

Read that? There I just saved you 224 pages and 16.29 bucks cause that is the amount of goodness in this whole thing.

Basically Tolle picked up a bit of something developed and perfected in the east (specifically in Buddhism and Hinduism) and talks about it like it just came to him in an epiphany.

The truth is mindfulness meditation has been around for centuries and even in the western world there has been wide acceptance of the psychological advantages of it at least 10 years before Tolle.

The problem is not only does Tolle not acknowledge the true experts in this field; he also doesn’t go that deeply into specific practical techniques to achieve this state of mind.

And when he starts to diverge from mindfulness meditation, that’s when it gets plain bad.

Not only will he give the usual meaningless incomprehensible and confusing mystical babble that will only distract you from the good part; he will plain and simply give you bad advice concerning the search for happiness, like saying that belief that you control your life is an illusion that brings pain.

This goes complete in opposition to the proven concept of Self-Efficacy from positive psychology (which is one of main academic sources for dating skills research by the way); which posits that one of the important factors to happiness is the belief that one as the capacity to complete tasks and achieve goals.

He also makes a bogeyman out of your mind and thoughts which will probably just make you get stressed out like T0rch did. But on that topic I suggest you see S. A. Martin-Nunez’s review at Amazon, he also gives a list of more appropriate books if you are interested in this.

But my suggestion (especially if you want to spare time and money) would be to check out the wiki page for “meditation” and “research on meditation” to get an overview of the types and benefits of meditation and choose which would be better for you; then just Google it and you will probably find good free advice on techniques to develop it.

As for its [meditation (not this book)] applicability to dating skills I would say it is a titanic addition to your inner game (and also a good thing to show off knowledge about), but if you want specifics, you get (happiness, relaxation, emotional balance, self-esteem, reduced depression and anxiety which does wonders for those with approach anxiety; increase in, self-control, perceptual sensitivity and empathy which in turn leads to greater social intelligence and also increase in awareness which help pick up the subtle cues of the social world not to mention a diminished need for sleep which gives you more time to game. This is of course not mentioning all the health and intelligence boosts. (And yes all of these benefits have been scientifically documented).

Aside note for people like spoonybard:
I would probably define myself similarly to him but you have to keep an open mind especially for eastern stuff; yes they often babble with mystical hocus pocus, but sometimes there is truth in their teachings. What I suggest is you check what scientific research has come up about the subject you want to check out and then go on from there.

Also they (eastern philosophers) often talk in hyperboles and parables so don’t take their words too seriously. Yes you are your mind but what he meant is you are not your current thoughts so don’t give them too much credit.

I could go on about how it’s understandable why people overrate this book given it does bring a glimpse of amazing stuff we westerners are not usually familiar with, along with other comments, but I’ve written quite enough already
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

"An Absolute Must Read for EVERYBODY."

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Finished this one a few days ago.

Will help improve game.

Will help you find inner joy - as opposed to the mind created pleasure and pain.

An absolute must read for EVERYBODY.

One point, tho: Some of the concepts I understood because I had watched the tolle videos on YouTube. I'd say watch the videos first because I know for a fact that some revelatory points Tolle makes would not have sunk in so deeply had I not watched the videos first.

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2 of 9 people found the following review helpful

"I Find this Book Useless."

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I took a look at this because everyone seems to hype this book.

My thoughts:

It's in the same section of the bookstore as stuff on "crystal healing" - strike 1.

Subtitle of the book contains the words "spiritual enlightenment" - strike 2.

I couldn't get through the first chapter. Too much "spiritual" mumbo-jumbo. "You are not your mind" - of course i'm my mind, what else would I be. There's no such thing as a spirit. All that is "me" is electrical impulses in my brain, which is just a very complex computer.

As a rational skeptical materialist atheist, I find this book useless.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"Everything has Changed"

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this is what I needed the most,I've read the "power of now" and applied it in my life about one month ago and I did'didn't have any clue about "state" and stuff . I was in the moment and suddenly everything has changed , I didn't know what it was then,but I got better dramatically in my spirit ,game ,work ,everything . you just have to experience it .
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0 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"It has helped my game"

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This book has helped my game maybe more than anything.
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0 of 1 people found the following review helpful

"One of the Best Book"

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One of the best best books I've ever read
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"Awesome, if only for the Simple Concepts"

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just skimmed over the parts where it got a bit spiritual etc. god references could have been excluded - i'm not religious, but you dont have to be to get the core values of the book.

but yeah this book is awesome, if only for the simple concept which it teaches:
the past is gone, you cannot relive it in glory or rehash your past troubles therefore they cannot affect you - the now is all you ever have, no problems can affect you in the now - the future is not here yet so you cannot worry about it.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"The stuff Tolle Lays out is Mind Blowing"

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I got this book a while back and read the first few chapters. The stuff Tolle lays out is mind blowing, and I remember feeling good reading it. The next day though, I remember being is a sort of torpor all day, worrying if I was in the now or if my ego was "in control". The concepts themselves are strong, but its not something to think too much about.

Also, even though some of this stuff may help you with women, I wouldn't call this a pickup book. If you follow Tolle's ideas (namely forsaking the body and senses for the spirit) to their logical conclusion, one of the things you would have to do is stop pursuing women.

So in conclusion, I'd say this book has some good concepts, and the first few chapters can give you a feel for a few things you may want to work on. However, I don't think you can fully implement some of his ideas unless you actually commit to a serious lifestyle change.
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

"Great but extra-curricular"

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The Good
Life-changing ideas.
The Bad
Not really related to pick up?
This is a great book I read many years ago. It had a big impact on my happiness and awareness level, and I guess on the success of my career as well (it got me much more focused on my goals). I guess you could say it improved my pick up also indirectly by making me more a more happy, successful person.

This is a good book to "become a better man", which can only help with women.
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"My #1 Favorite Book"

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It's my #1 favorite book of all-time. Not even close.
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